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Leader of the private jet hire worldwide

AEROAFFAIRES X BEYOND AERO : A partnership for the future of business aviation

Renting private jets
since 1991

private jets

35 000
completed flights

100 000+

customer satisfaction

carbon offsetting

AEROAFFAIRES and Beyond Aero are joining forces in a strategic partnership that aims to revolutionise the business aviation sector and boost low-carbon aviation.


A partnership that gives new impetus


AEROAFFAIRES, a major French player in business aviation, and Beyond Aero, an innovative company developing a hydrogen-powered aircraft, are proud to announce the signing of a strategic partnership.


This agreement is the fruit of three years of discussion, collaboration and friendship between Isabelle Clerc and Eloa Guillotin, the two CEOs of the organisations involved in the partnership.


By joining forces and sharing their complementary skills, AEROAFFAIRES and Beyond Aero are committed to working together and maintaining close relationships to best tackle the challenge of low-carbon aviation. This partnership aims to combine AEROAFFAIRES’ recognised expertise in the organisation of tailor-made flights and aircraft rental, with Beyond Aero’s innovative approach focused on the development of new cutting-edge aeronautical technologies.


Through this partnership, AEROAFFAIRES and Beyond Aero aim to consolidate relations between the world of business aviation and the ambitious players who are accelerating innovation. The objective is clear: to accelerate the decarbonisation of business aviation.


This strategic partnership reflects the shared vision of AEROAFFAIRES and Beyond Aero for the future of bespoke aviation. By pooling their resources and fostering a culture of collaboration, the two companies are convinced that they will be able to meet the emerging challenges of the aviation sector and offer innovative solutions that will redefine industry standards.


Beyond Aero’s project


The project of Toulouse-based start-up Beyond Aero involves developing a hydrogen-powered business jet. It should be able to seat up to 8 passengers.


Its speed should reach 575km/h. In terms of altitude, the aircraft could reach a ceiling of 30,000 feet.


The union of two ambitious companies



AEROAFFAIRES is a family-owned French company and a major player in the field of tailor-made aviation and aircraft and helicopter rental. Thanks to its network of partners and in-depth expertise, AEROAFFAIRES offers top-of-the-range travel solutions to individuals and companies alike.


About Beyond Aero:

Beyond Aero is a Toulouse-based start-up working on the development of a hydrogen-powered aircraft. Founded in 2020 by three aeronautics enthusiasts, Beyond Aero is positioning itself as a leading player in the decarbonisation of small aircraft modules.