SKY CO2 – Our commitments
SKY CO2 - Ecotree
AEROAFFAIRES commits to biodiversity with EcoTree
3% of CO2 emissions worldwide are due to aviation. 8% of air traffic is held by business aviation. At AEROAFFAIRES we want to act as responsible players by working to protect the environment.
In partnership with the French company EcoTree, we are committed to financing and supporting a project to pollinate and restore biodiversity in France, in the Châtelain forest in the Pays de la Loire region.
At AEROAFFAIRES, we are happy and proud to be able to act for the preservation of bees and therefore in favour of biodiversity. Travelling with AEROAFFAIRES is a direct contribution to our pollination project.

Key figures for pollination in France
80% of the food we eat depends on pollination.
30% of bee colonies disappear in France every year.
AEROAFFAIRES’ approach to biodiversity

Today, the aviation industry, business aviation and all its stakeholders (aircraft manufacturers, airlines, etc.) are working to reduce their CO2 emissions in a sustainable manner. As an air broker, AEROAFFAIRES wishes to support this carbon transition project by making a personal commitment to biodiversity in French forests. This is why we have joined forces with EcoTree, whose main missions are to preserve biodiversity and forest ecosystems, create carbon sinks and work to combat climate change.
The AEROAFFAIRES and EcoTree pollination project

Bees are essential to life on Earth. Indeed, they ensure the reproduction of all varieties of flowers and fruit trees in the forests. 80% of human nutrition is directly dependent on pollinators.
In partnership with EcoTree, we are participating in a pollination project: the installation of a beehive, its swarm of bees and melliferous hedges in the Châtelain Forest in western France. Furthermore, supporting a forest biodiversity project is essential, as 50% of the carbon stock in forests is located in the soil.
How does the pollination project work?
First of all, the beekeepers, working with EcoTree, analyse the terrain and then select the bees that will be best suited to the surrounding environment. The EcoTree teams make sure to provide a suitable environment for these bees. In the Châtelain forest, for example, melliferous hedges are planted so that the bees can have sufficient food resources throughout the season. The beekeepers monitor the growth of the swarm, its resistance during the winter and its development in the spring. Installing hives provides the bees with a quality habitat and ensures their well-being and needs.

As an AEROAFFAIRES customer, become a major player in this project.
We automatically donate part of our profits to this pollination project.
A free contribution when you book your flight will be used for the installation of new hives.
Our partner EcoTree
Founded in Brest in 2016, EcoTree offers companies as well as individuals the opportunity to support projects to enhance the value of French and European forests and preserve their biodiversity. To find out more, visit their website:
SKY CO2 - Pur Projet
AEROAFFAIRES also supports, via Sky CO2, the offsetting of carbon emissions from flights by supporting a major primary forest preservation project in Peru. This “Martin Sagrado” project, operated by the social enterprise PUR Projet in the San Martin region, is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Biosphere Reserve. It is part of a regional ecosystem rehabilitation programme and plans to capture 194,000 tonnes of CO2 by preserving 7,400 hectares of forest per year. Martin Sagrado is VCS (Voluntary Carbon Standard) certified and thus allows the delivery of carbon credits corresponding to the project’s carbon sequestration potential.
SKY CO2 - Chaire Pégase
AEROAFFAIRES is also a partner of the Chaire Pegase. This organisation, founded by Paul Chiambaretto in 2019, is the first in France to dedicate its studies to both the management and economics of air transport and aerospace. As a partner, AEROAFFAIRES supports these initiatives and will be able to talk to students at the Montpellier Business School about business aviation, its challenges and its missions. To find out more, visit our dedicated page.