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Business aviation boom in wake of Covid 19 outbreak

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At a time when the Covid 19 variant, omicron, is showing its face, there is one aeronautical sector that is resisting and even enjoying certain advantages. It is business aviation. During the peak of the health crisis, all aviation was impacted. However, the private jet sector is recovering quickly and continues to make new followers! We will see what causes the increase and even the “boom” of business aviation.


The health issues that explain the boom in business aviation


Following the Covid 19 pandemic, the business aviation sector is booming and conquering new customers. This has a definite link with the health crisis. Indeed, when you charter a private jet, the sanitary conditions throughout your journey are much safer than when you fly commercially. Contact points are fewer:

There would only be 20 to 30 potential touch points with Covid for a business flight passenger versus 700 in commercial aviation.

Explains Simon Rochefort, vice president of sales at Vistajet. The possibility of transmission of the virus is significantly reduced.

In fact, in business aviation, the time it takes you to pass through a private terminal is about 10 minutes compared to several hours in commercial aviation. Also, you will pass very few people by choosing a private jet flight. In commercial aviation, you have less peace of mind. Indeed, you have to wait a long time in the big terminals where other passengers are waiting. Then during your flight, you board the plane with all the other travelers where proximity is important. In spite of the barrier gestures which remain very present and to be respected, it is not an optimal way to avoid the coronavirus at all costs.

However, these health factors have little or no impact on business aviation. Your private plane is waiting for you and only you (and your companions) are part of the journey.  There are fewer points of contact. You gain both in security and in time! This is a first point that explains the increase of the traffic in the business aviation.


New customers for private jet requests


Etats Unis USA
Crédit photo : Unsplash

This year we can note a figure that characterizes the craze for business aviation. It’s about a third of private jet requests that come not from former regular customers, but from new customers who have never flown on a private jet before. It is a kind of fallback solution to compensate for the lack of commercial aviation during the pandemic. However, business aviation is also a solution for speed in the face of the consequent slowdowns and extensions of any delays caused by the pandemic. In sectors where time is money, some have opted for business aviation.


In addition, it should be noted that passengers who have experienced the benefits of on-demand aviation sometimes find it difficult to retrace their steps. Whether it’s for business or pleasure. In the U.S., the majority of private flights this year were to upscale cities and resorts. Similarly, private aircraft movements in the U.S. increased by almost 40% after the health crisis. This is their highest rate since the economic crisis of 2008. In Europe, private aviation traffic has increased by 20%.

Over the whole year, there were less than 4.2 million business jet movements, according to WingX.


Tableau qui montre l'augmentation du trafic de presque 40% en 2021 comparé en 2020 - Source : EBAA
The traffic has increased by almost 40% in 2021 compared to 2020 – Source: EBAA


Private jet sales have increased


In addition to the upsurge in requests for private flight charters, there has also been a sharp increase in sales of pre-owned private jets. This is a very wealthy clientele that has decided to buy their own private aircraft, and thus free themselves from all the constraints of flying. Large aircraft manufacturers such as Dassault Aviation, Bombardier or Embraer for example, have seen an average increase of 50% in sales of their used aircraft in 2021 compared to last year. These aircraft manufacturers are seeing their inventory of used aircraft shrink dramatically, while continuing to manufacture new business jets. But fewer of these are available for sale. It should be noted that with the resurgence of private aircraft purchases, it is sometimes necessary to wait until 2024 to be able to have one’s own private jet.

It is then a real “boom” that the business aviation sector is experiencing compared to commercial aviation. With more than 4 million private jet journeys made this year, there is no doubt that business aviation has a bright future ahead of it.


At AEROAFFAIRES, we put our expertise to work to offer you private jet flights that are right for you. For any business jet charter request, contact us at +33 1 44 09 91 82, or fill out our online quote. We will respond promptly.