Private jet hire in Pontoise

General description

Pontoise is a French commune located in the Île-de-France region on the right bank of the Oise, about twenty-five kilometers north-west of Paris

Since 1991, AEROAFFAIRES has been offering taxi, corporate jet, small and medium capacity commercial jet, helicopter and commercial aircraft to and from Paris Pontoise.

24 hours a day, on a simple call, or via our website, AEROAFFAIRES is able to get you off the ground within two hours after your confirmation for urgent flights.

AEROAFFAIRES is the possibility to rent a wide range of private jets planes, helicopters exactly corresponding to your needs at the best price with sending quick and personalized quotes.

Whether it’s private plane charter for business flights, private flights, urgent cargo, group transport or repatriation missions, AEROAFFAIRES responds to all your requests for flights around the world.

Useful information

Opening hours :

Open to international traffic / IFR-VFR / Night opening hours 7h-22h30

Airport infrastructures

  • Runway 1: Dimensions: 1690 mx 50 m, Orientation: 05/23, Type of pavement: bitumen, Landing aid: ILS Cat.I, Lightfield: HI / BI – PAPI – Approach ramp
  • Runway 2: Dimensions: 1690 mx 50 m, Orientation: 12/30, Nature of coating: bitumen


Pourquoi faire confiance à Aeroaffaires ?

Renting private jets
since 1991

private jets

35 000
completed flights

100 000+

customer satisfaction

carbon offsetting

Do you need a price estimate?

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Location & access

Address of the Aerodrome of PontoiseCormeilles:


ICAO code : LFPT

95650 Boissy-L’Aillerie department: Val-d’Oise

Location : 7 km north-west of Pontoise

Average access time from main cities by private car : 45 minutes from Paris Porte Maillot and 15 minutes from Pontoise.

Do you need a price estimate?

Request for quote

A question? Contact our team

Vue aérienne de Pontoise Cormeilles avec ponts et verdure.

Isabelle CLERC


Vue aérienne de Pontoise Cormeilles avec ponts et verdure.

François-Xavier CLERC


Our airline experts remain at your disposal to help you at every stage of your reservation.

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