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Private Jet : What documentation do you need for your private flight?

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If you are planning a private flight, you need to be aware of the administrative formalities that to comply with the law. Whether for a family or a business trip, a VIP flight, medical transport, or body repatriation, require different documentation. AEROAFFAIRES tells you everything you need to know about the procedures when traveling on a private jet.


Administrative procedures for a VIP flight:


Administrative procedures for a private jet flight are meant to ensure safety, compliance with current laws and regulations, and to facilitate passenger travel. Here are the main administrative formalities to be completed.

Usual Procedure


  • Passenger identification : every passenger must present valid identification when booking (passport, ID, etc.) to ensure safety. You will also need your billing address, as well as a copy of each passengers’ travel documents. If you are caring luggage, please notify our team upon booking, so that we can provide you with an aircraft that suits your needs. You will receive your flight plan 24hours before departure, after signing your contract.


  • Customs declaration: if you are flying across the borders, you must declare the goods you carry in order to comply with current customs laws.


  • Passenger list declaration: this formality facilitates entry and exit procedures, and guarantees passenger safety.


  • Reservation and confirmation of take-off and landing slots: this guarantees the availability of runways and airport infrastructures for the flight.


  • Checking aircraft conformity: before the flight, the aircraft must be inspected to ensure that it complies with safety and airworthiness standards.


Les formalités administratives pour voler en jet privé avec un animal de compagnie :


Lors d’un déplacement privé en avion, il est possible de voyager avec son animal de compagnie à bord de l’appareil. Voici quelques formalités qui seront tout de même nécessaires pour que le vol se déroule bien. 

  • Within Europe
    • Your pet’s travel document & vaccination record 
    • Prices may vary according to your pet’s weight ( -8K 500 euros for a dog) note that not all airlines accept dogs over 8kg
  • Outside of Europe :
    • Please note that not all airports in the UK accept dogs, or ask for specific vaccination

Special cases : 

Some destinations such as London Biggin hill airport require specific documentation certified by DEFRA and comply with the PETS (pet travel scheme) :

  • Your animal should be implanted with a pet microchip.
  • Present your pet’s passport or, if applicable, an official veterinarian’s certificate for countries without a pet passport.
  • Up-to-date rabies vaccination.
  • Other tests are also required for animals from non-EU countries.
  • Apply an anti-parasite treatment at least 5 days before travel (and more than 24 hours before departure).
  • The aircraft operator must have prior approval from DEFRA to use the Skypets service.
  • The company must be informed and have received all animal-related documents at least 24 hours before the animal’s arrival.
  • Must have AHC (animal health certificate).

Flying with firearms :


The conditions to transport firearms on a private jet :


The conditions for carrying a firearm on board a private jet are as follows:


  • Firearms and ammunition must be placed in the aircraft’s baggage compartment.
  • The firearm must be completely empty of ammunition and unloaded at the time of boarding.
  • Ammunition must be placed in a secure box.
  • Firearms must be placed in rigid, closed boxes. This is to ensure safety on board. The secure box cannot be opened in the event of turbulence, displacement or impact in the hold.

What are the regulations regarding private jet travel with weapons?


European regulations require passengers carrying weapons to comply with a number of formalities and obligations to enable them to travel on private aircraft. Here is some information on your obligations:

  • When booking your flight, inform the AROAFFAIRES team of your intention to carry one or more firearms on board the aircraft. This will enable our team to inform the departure and arrival terminal.
  • You will not be allowed to carry more than 5 kg of ammunition on board the aircraft. So plan ahead to avoid having part of your load removed.
  • It is strictly forbidden to place your firearm in one of your personal suitcases. Your firearm (pistol, rifle, etc.) must be contained in a dedicated box labelled with the name of the weapon.
  • As a weapon-carrying passenger, you will need to present your firearms license or authorization.
    If you’re planning to travel abroad, you’ll also need to complete a number of formalities to ensure authorization for the transport of weapons on arrival in the foreign country.


You will be asked to provide these documents :  

  • the firearm’s European documents and passport
  • the firearm owner’s license


AEROAFFAIRES will make sure that the airline is authorized to transport firearms considered as sporting weapons (different category levels depending on the weapon).


Administrative formalities for a group flight:


When requesting an aircraft charter for a group flight, the AEROAFFAIRES team will need the following information:

  • Number of passengers
  • Number of baggage items
  • Arrival and departure destination
  • Type of service required (luxury or practical)
  • A budget


Administrative formalities for a medical flight:


If you need an emergency medical repatriation, air travel is the fastest way to reach your final destination safely. At AEROAFFAIRES, we can arrange your medical flight, air ambulance, safe and adapted to each situation thanks to our extensive network of private aircraft and helicopters.


You will need the following documents for this type of private jet flight:


  • Details of the doctor in charge of the patient
  • Details of the doctor at the hospital to which the patient is going
  • Patient’s primary medical report and medical file
  • Disclaimer Document for air transport: this releases AEROAFFAIRES from any liability in the event of problems on board the aircraft during transport.


Administrative formalities for a body repatriation flight:


This type of service is rare, but some families call on AEROAFFAIRES to repatriate the body of a loved one. Please note that in this particular situation, there are a number of specificities in addition to the usual procedure.

Here is the list of documents we require for this type of flight:

  • Airwaybill of the coffin: the airwaybill is a document used in air freight. It mentions: details of the shipment, including information on the sender, the consignee, the nature of the cargo, quantities, weights and dimensions, conditions of carriage. When transporting a coffin, it is also necessary to have the coffin closure certificate.
  • Name and address of the company in charge of the casket on departure and arrival.
  • Casket size and weight
  • Complete casket file
  • Death certificate
  • Authorization to close coffin
  • Mortal remains certificate
  • Transport authorization
  • Identification of deceased
  • Customs clearance
  • Application for tarmac access for funeral vehicle.

Administrative formalities for a cargo flight


For a cargo flight request, the charter team will need the following information:


  • the nature of the shipment (dangerous goods, precious materials, refrigerated goods, live animals)
  • the exact destination (to adjust the airport if necessary)
  • weight, packaging (pallet/cardboard boxes/bulk) and dimensions


With AEROAFFAIRES, administrative formalities are simple for your private trip.


The AEROAFFIARES team of air brokerage experts can take care of all your administrative formalities. Forget about paperwork and get onboard with peace of mind. You can request a personalized, a commitment-free quote. you can reach our aviation experts 24/7 at +33 (0) 1 44 09 91 82 or by e-mail: You can also fill in our online quote form and receive a reply within two hours.