More than 17,000 private jets are now in service around the world. The business jet is often seen as an outward sign of wealth or power reserved for an elite. But business aviation is much more affordable than people think. And it is also and above all a tool of development and growth for businesses. Approximately 70% of private jet flights are professional.

Business aviation: who are the owners of private jets?

Qui sont les proporiétaires de jet privé

Of all the aircraft used in business aviation, half are owned by airlines such as AirFrance, the other half by private individuals.

However, owning a business aircraft for personal use is often not very attractive. The break-even point for an executive jet is estimated at 400 hours/year. However, it should be noted that these 400 hours are not necessarily achievable all year round. This is why many of these individuals leave their aircraft in operation to air operators, who thus have a relatively large and varied fleet at their disposal, and take care of scheduling flights for clients who need to travel on an ad hoc basis. This fleet can include high-performance aircraft such as BoeingDassault FalconBombardier Challenger or Cessna Citation Mustang.

How does business aviation work?

This particular branch of air navigation generally brings together 3 main players:

Air brokers, key players in business aviation

The business aviation broker is the person who brings the airline and the end customer, the traveler, together. He is the link between the aircraft and the traveler. His mission is to find the right plane, at the right price, with the right crew. Since airlines already have the logistics of commercial flights to manage, they leave it to the broker to organize the requests of individual customers and find the right tailor-made flight.

The airline owns the business jets

This second link in the business aviation chain is essential. In fact, it is the airline that physically has the fleet required for customized flights. It makes its aircraft and crews available to the broker, so that the end customer can realize his or her trip as desired.

The private terminal: a major player in the smooth operation of business aviations

Private terminals, or Fixed Based Operators (FBOs), are the latest players in the tailor-made flight market.

They are the logistical link between the passenger and the flight. Private terminal teams take care of :

  • Aircraft servicing and maintenance
  • Finding a place for the aircraft on the tarmac
  • Loading baggage
  • Organize reception services according to the customer’s wishes (VIP lounge, customized on-board catering services, etc.).

The private terminal also handles security and customs checks.

10 good reasons to choose business aviation

“Too expensive”, “reserved for very important people”, “not very accessible”, “blingy”: private aviation has a bad press. And yet, the reality is far from the cliché that is often presented when talking about business aviation. That is why we are giving you 10 good reasons to turn to private aviation.

challenger 350
1. Flexibility

Business aviation offers great flexibility for passengers.

Travelers have total freedom in choosing their itineraries. They can choose to plan their flight at any time, freeing themselves from the sometimes restrictive schedules of flights on commercial or scheduled airlines.

The list and number of passengers can also be modified right up to the last minute, something impossible with conventional airlines.

2. Time saving

Business aviation saves passengers invaluable time.

Private jets can land at small airfields as close as possible to the passenger’s final destination. What’s more, business terminals make it possible to avoid the usual two hours needed to check in and pass through security checks that would have been required in a commercial terminal.

For example, the average time between arrival at a business terminal and jet take-off is just 15 minutes.

What’s more, the private jet flies direct to its destination, with no time-consuming stopovers.

The business media Capital estimates that a CEO who takes around 30 trips a year can earn the equivalent of a month’s work by renting a private jet.

3. Accessibility

In addition to saving time, business aviation offers access to many more destinations than commercial aviation.

In fact, an airliner serves only 300 airports in Europe, including the largest ones, whereas almost 4,000 airports are available to private jets, thanks in particular to cab planes. This advantage means you can fly as close as possible to your final destination.

Did you know that Le Bourget airport is Europe’s leading airport for business flights? In fact, it’s the most popular airport for private aviation in France.

4. Reliability, safety and discretion 

Business aviation ensures absolute discretion for the travelers who use it. Professionals and private individuals alike are protected from the threat of eavesdropping, industrial espionage or even physical threats.

One of our customers, a businessman from a major CAC 40 company with a high public profile, would be overexposed on regular commercial routes.

Traveling with a private airline allows him to move around with complete discretion and peace of mind.

5. Optimized workspace 

Executives and employees on the move rarely stop working during their journeys. But it can be hard to stay focused on a commercial aircraft: the noise, lack of privacy and unsuitable space make it hard to be productive.

Private jets, on the other hand, are perfectly optimized for this purpose. Dedicated spaces are often provided:

  • Tables
  • Desks
  • Video-conferencing screens
  • Wifi connection

Everything is done to ensure that you can continue to work and communicate from a distance. What’s more, the captain and stewardesses are on hand to provide the quality of service typical of business jets.

This ability to work and communicate in a private jet is essential for the corporate world.

In addition, studies have shown that executive productivity can be multiplied by 5 to 7, and employee productivity by 4, when business flights are used. An undeniable advantage when it comes to efficiency!

6. Absolute serenity and tranquillity  

As an air broker, AEROAFFAIRES will charter your jet and get you to your business airport.

Transfers in prestige vehicles or helicopters, airport schedules and constraints, customs procedures, visa regulations, insurance, etc., our teams take care of everything.

With business aviation, you stay focused on your mission and don’t have to worry about the logistics of your trip.

7. Staying in shape  

Business travel also enables passengers to remain vigorous and dynamic. Travelling in the modern, comfortable cabin of a private jet is less tiring than a seat on a short- or medium-haul commercial aircraft.

What’s more, the private jet flies direct to its destination, avoiding stopovers.

As mentioned above, waiting times in private terminals (at Le Bourget, for example) are much shorter than at commercial airports such as Paris or Geneva.

8. Cost exemption  

Travelling by private jet relieves companies of certain costs. Flying in a private jet means you can complete your business trip quickly, and make a round trip very easily.

This reduces the cost of hotels, cabs and even catering for employees. These costs can be significant if your company has a large number of travellers or senior executives.

The emergence of more economical cab planes has also made business aviation increasingly accessible.

9. Increased visibility  

The business aviation market makes it easy for managers to increase their presence in corporate facilities far from head office.

In particular, it is essential for large groups with facilities spread over very wide areas. Private aviation also makes it easy to meet a company’s stakeholders.

Despite all the technological means of communication, physical travel is still sometimes essential for forging links and signing contracts.

10. Renting is more economical than owning  

Renting a private jet is often a more economical solution than owning one.

The cost of purchasing an aircraft, as well as all the costs associated with its operation (maintenance, flight crew costs, fuel and port taxes), are very high indeed. It is estimated that 400 flight hours are needed to amortize the purchase and operating costs of a private jet.

Who are the business aviation travellers?

Company directors, executives and employees

Company directors, executives and employees

Transporting company employees is the main use of a private jet.

It can be used for a number of purposes:

  • Negotiate contracts and business deals in Europe and around the world
  • Explore opportunities
  • Maintain relationships with stakeholders
  • Visit company subdivisions.

In particular, the flexibility of a business jet is a major asset for a company director with a busy schedule.

Martin S., an AEROAFFAIRES customer and manager of a Lorient-based ETI, has several production centers in Europe. When he needs to meet with each of his teams to monitor his activity, he can only do so by private jet. Taking a commercial airliner, train or even a car would mean wasting more than three days on his visits.

With our tailor-made air charter offer, Mr. S. can complete his four European visits in a single day and return home the same evening. He can even continue working in the comfort of his cabin.



Chartering a private aircraft for a customer is a common practice in certain industries. It enables the customer to :

  • Visit facilities
  • Discover new products or services
  • Negotiate a contract


Private jets enable companies to accelerate or improve the integration of their supply chain by transporting suppliers.

They can discover a production site, be invited to meetings that concern them, or simply sign contracts.

Wealthy people

Wealthy people

Wealthy families and successful entrepreneurs are also business travelers who regularly charter private jets.

Business aviation offers them unrivalled comfort and total travel flexibility.

Freight transport – air freight

Freight transport – air freight 

A private plane can also be used to transport goods.

This practice allows :

  • Quickly deliver a parcel to a customer
  • Secure transport of fragile or high-value goods
  • Or maintain critical production by supplying repair parts or missing raw materials.

Ask for our price guide

AEROAFFAIRES : Guide to our business jets

As an airline broker, we offer various types of business aircraft for rental:

We are here to adapt to the needs and requirements of all our travelers.

Guaranteed flight safety in business aviation

Business aviation is just as safe as commercial aviation. Private jet airlines all hold an Air Transport Certificate (AOC), which is not the case for co-piloting.

This approval, issued by air transport supervisory agencies (the DGAC, in France) on the basis of very strict criteria, authorizes the paid carriage of passengers on public transport.

«We understand the safety requirements of companies and select only the best companies with the highest guarantees for our customers.»

— François-Xavier Clerc, President of AEROAFFAIRES, is very concerned about the safety of his customers.

However, the emergence of new business travel models sometimes undermines this requirement. Some companies are trying to offer business flights at very low prices, bypassing the law and sacrificing safety. To ensure the quality of the service you are offered, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail for advice on the safety of your business flights.

  • How does business aviation work ?

    Business aviation operates through private airlines, which offer tailor-made flights for companies and executives. These companies can offer a variety of flight options, from private jets to helicopters. Customers can book flights in advance or even at the last minute, depending on their needs.

  • What types of aircraft are used for business aviation?

    The types of aircraft used for business aviation vary according to customer needs and flight distance. Private jets are most commonly used for business travel, but helicopters, turboprops and piston aircraft can also be used for shorter, regional flights.

  • How much does business aviation cost?

    Business aviation costs depend on a number of factors, including the distance flown, the type of aircraft used and the duration of the flight. Prices can vary from a few thousand to tens of thousands of euros per flight hour.

  • How is boarding and waiting at the airport before takeoff?

    At most airports, AEROAFFAIRES customers have access to special VIP lounges where they can freshen up before their private flight. We will send you detailed information before your departure.

  • Is business aviation safe?

    Yes, business aviation is subject to strict safety standards. Business aviation operators are required to comply with civil aviation safety regulations and maintain their aircraft to the highest industry standards.

  • What are the advantages of business aviation over commercial airlines?

    Business aviation offers advantages such as schedule flexibility, the possibility of landing at destinations not served by commercial airlines, confidentiality and personalized comfort on board.