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Cleaning and Safety Measures for Private Jets during the Coronavirus 

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Flying in a private jet is essentially reducing the risk of being infected with a contagious disease. Passengers avoid crowded environments and travel with peace of mind. In addition, FBOs dedicated to business aviation are more isolated than those of commercial airlines.
Nevertheless, AEROAFFAIRES has reinforced its cleaning and security measures to protect the health of its passengers and crews in the face of the covid-19 coronavirus epidemic.

Reinforced cleaning measures

Private jet cabins are usually cleaned between trips. This allows passengers to travel in a perfectly clean environment. But in the face of the epidemic, airlines have further tightened their cleaning procedures.

The cleaning process now includes rigorous and thorough wiping. All cabin surfaces, from the windows to the sink, are cleaned with a dedicated disinfectant. It neutralizes viruses and germs. The air in the cabin is also aerated and sanitized thanks to a special fan.

Everything is done to ensure that passengers travel safely in the cleanest and healthiest environment possible.

Social distancing measures

Health care professionals recommend the application of barrier measures to limit the risk of contamination. Pilots, hostesses and receptionists have therefore changed their habits.

Instead of shaking hands with passengers as they used to do, pilots now greet passengers with a wave of the hand. In the cabin, close exchanges are limited as much as possible. Pilots can communicate by using a microphone when the aircraft permits.

Personnel are equipped with masks and gloves. A sanitary kit can also be offered to passengers, containing masks, gloves and hydroalcoholic gel, the use of which is at their discretion.

When the aircraft is large enough, passengers can settle in at a distance from each other or even completely isolate themselves. This is especially possible with private long-haul private jets such as the Gulfstream G550, Falcon 7X and Bombardier Global Express.

Some airports and private terminals may even offer passengers the option of driving directly to the door of the aircraft, or, alternatively, to return to their vehicle as soon as they exit the aircraft. This is possible if customs can control the vehicles.

Get advice from AEROAFFAIRES

Our team of aviation experts is closely monitoring the evolution of the epidemic and the various regulations. In particular, we follow the recommendations of the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA).

Contact us for more information on security and cleaning procedures for private jets. We can also advise you on all your travel needs.

Contact us at any time via our online quote form, or by phone on +33 (0)1 44 09 91 82 or by email at

Pictures: ©Dassault Falcon Service / ©Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.