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How to travel with a private jet?

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Would you like to take the step of booking and take off in a private jet? AEROAFFAIRES explains step by step, how a trip in a private jet takes place.

Many people have never used private jet hire before. However, you will be able to see the many advantages that this mode of transport offers: time saving, comfort, flexibility… From the largest airports in Europe or elsewhere to the smallest ones, private flights take you everywhere. However, if this world remains unclear to you, our team will give you its best advice and guidance.

What are the possibilities on board? What are the formalities before and during the private flight? Take a look at our customers’ most frequently asked questions:


Travelling by private jet? A mode of transport accessible to everyone

Contrary to popular belief, private aviation does not exclusively concern show business customers. Gradually, the typical business aviation customer is evolving, facilitating a relative democratisation of this sector. Today, various private air transport offers are being created, at increasingly attractive prices. Between travel in a private collaborative jet and cheap empty flights, we give you the cards in hand to make the right choice.


CoJetage: airy luxury at 200€.

CoJetage, what is it? CoJetage is a French start-up created in 2011 which has taken up the challenge of offering luxury flights at discounted prices. This challenge started from a simple observation: 40% of private jet flights are empty. These empty flights are positioning flights; they refer to the “return” flights of private jets to their base. The young company then decided to exploit these flights, also called “empty legs” to offer cheap private jet trips. Thanks to a network of about thirty airlines, CoJetage can offer flights such as a Paris-Cannes or a London-Paris close to 200€.

While these low prices are attractive, there are some drawbacks such as a lack of flexibility and the risk of cancellation just before boarding. For more information on the travel conditions and negative points of CoJetage, see our article on this subject.


Flight sharing: the private jet version of the BlaBla-Car

The concept of flight sharing allows several passengers to share the costs when flying in a private jet. How does it work? There are now several intermediary platforms linking private pilots and passengers. In simple terms, it is a kind of aerial blah blah blah blah, practical for smaller budgets. Although “low-cost air luxury” is attractive, it is no less controversial. Indeed, one can wonder about the low experience of certain pilots and the sometimes dubious prices of the flights (Cessna at 172€ per hour)…


Group flights: possible through private jet hire companies.

For a private jet hire adapted to your needs, air brokerage will be the best solution. By comparing a multitude of offers, the broker will be able to offer you the most suitable business jet at the most competitive price. In just a few clicks, you will be able to book your flight according to: dates, cities of arrival and departure, number of passengers, timetables and services required. For a one-way or round trip, you can now book the taxi plane that suits you best. Our team is on hand 7/7 24H/24 to advise you, do not hesitate to contact us online or on +33 (0) 1 44 09 91 82.


What are the administrative formalities for travelling by private jet?

Once you have chosen and booked your flight, there are several information and pre-requisites to be known. Indeed, private aviation differs from commercial aviation on several points. The tailor-made services offered from the airport will allow you to enjoy remarkable comfort and efficiency. Hiring a private jet therefore implies very special agreements and formalities. Below, we provide you with some frequently asked questions and time-saving tips.

Do I have to arrive at the airport a long time in advance?

Hiring private jets can save you a lot of time, right from the moment you board the plane. Far from the long queues, you can arrive up to 5 minutes before boarding. Depending on security and FBO procedures, this may be longer. On average, 20 minutes will be enough time for you to enjoy the many services on offer:

  • WIFI lounges to relax while waiting for your flight;
  • Meeting rooms for work;
  • Concierge service;
  • Catering service;
  • On-site customs service;
  • A space for pilots.

Our team will give you the recommended advance notice for the chosen airport.

Are passport and visa required to travel by private jet?

As far as immigration formalities are concerned, business aviation is no exception to the rule. As with commercial flights, boats and cars, you will need an identity card to travel within the Schengen area. However, the entry rules of each state are regularly updated and depend on agreements. We therefore recommend that you inform yourself well in advance of the conditions and documents required for the trip in question. For journeys to China, India, Russia or East Asia, a visa will be required. Again, certain parameters such as the length of your stay or your status, which may affect the need for a visa, should be taken into account.


When do I have to show my passport?

Following your flight booking, the AEROAFFAIRES team will ask you to send us the appropriate identity document. A “flight manifest” will then be created by the airline company: it is an official document sent to the customs services and the private terminal. There is a slight distinction between domestic and foreign flights.

1. For domestic flights

In France and within the Schengen area, the flight manifest is particularly useful and practical. Indeed, it will be sent directly to the immigration services so that you do not have to show your identity document and do not waste time.

2. For foreign flights

For flights outside the Schengen area, however, you will be required to present your appropriate identity document. The authorities will ask you for it directly in your terminal to certify your identity.

In short, travel with your identity document at all times. You are not safe from being checked by customs or the police during the boarding process.


Is luggage checked under scanner or X-ray?

Security measures are the same for commercial and private aviation. Your luggage and bags will therefore be thoroughly checked and X-rayed. Away from the crowded crowds, however, the baggage screening procedure in private terminals will be more peaceful, quicker and more confidential.

In certain exceptional cases, direct access to the runway will even be authorised, avoiding the need for a scanner check. For example, there are 29 airports in Switzerland without a customs office. Cannes or Sienna airports also allow private jets weighing less than 15 tonnes to avoid this step.


How much luggage can I take with me?

The number of baggage items possible depends on the size of the aircraft and the capacity of its hold:

  • For an ultra-light private jet – Citation Mustang: two pieces of hold luggage and two pieces of hand luggage;
  • For a light private jet – Phenom 300: three pieces of hold luggage and three pieces of hand luggage;
  • For an intermediate private jet – Cessna Citation Latitude: five checked and four carry-on items;
  • For a long-haul private jet – Falcon 7X: six hold and six hand luggage.

The number of pieces of luggage is therefore an essential criterion to take into account when choosing your aircraft.


Do I have to show my flight ticket?

No. Private jet travel does not require a plane ticket. By definition, the entire plane belongs to you for a few hours, so there are no seats allocated. Using a private jet charter company such as AEROAFFAIRES gives you the privilege of simply going to the airport. You will then be welcomed and guided by the terminal’s TNP (Technical Navigating Personnel) to your private jet.


How do I find out the necessary information about my flight?

AEROAFFAIRES pays particular attention to the follow-up of its customers. This is why a flight plan will be sent to you by e-mail with the key information for your flight:

  • The itinerary with departure and arrival airport;
  • Timetables and duration of the flight;
  • The meeting points of the departure and arrival airports and their respective handling companies;
  • The details of the planned services;
  • A map with the precise access points to the airports;
  • Information about your aircraft with its model and registration number;
  • The telephone number and names of the pilots.

Are pets required to have a passport?

Just like humans, pets also have their own identity document. You will therefore need to obtain their passport and health record for any private jet flight. For more information, visit our page dedicated to private jet travel with your pets.

Our air experts are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your private flight on +33 (0) 1 44 09 91 82. Do not hesitate to go to our online quote to obtain a price estimate for your private flight.