If you wish to generate income when you are not using your private jet, the AEROAFFAIRES aviation experts offer you the possibility of putting it into operation and taking full charge of its marketing on the air brokerage market.
Private jet management service
AEROAFFAIRES has set up a service to assist its customers with their private jet investment projects. In order to make the purchase of a private jet profitable, it is estimated that you need to fly almost 300 hours a year with it. Many owners don’t fly that many hours, so in order to make the most of your investment, optimise it and preserve it, we can help you with the process of getting it into operation.
For example, if you want 100 hours with your aircraft per year, we take care of selling the additional 200/300 hours to our customers to make it profitable.
As you can see, the aim is to generate income when you are not using your device.
In this case, our private jet charter service is entirely dedicated to generating income from the rental of your aircraft. What’s in it for you? A regular and reliable return on investment to take full advantage of its commercial potential!

How does it work?
Thanks to our team of aviation experts and our adapted sales tools, we are able to promote your aircraft for hire. We then propose your aircraft to our clients to whom it corresponds to their needs in terms of comfort, number of seats on board, baggage compartment etc. As air brokers, we select the right aircraft for our clients according to their specific needs, from the offers on the market.
In this case, we operate your aircraft as “Public Transport“. The concept of public transport allows us to market flights in aircraft to passengers. AEROAFFAIRES only offers this type of flight with air operators under the public passenger transport regime. This certification is granted to aircraft belonging to public or legal entities holding an Air Transport Certificate (AOC), an approval issued to an air operator and allowing it to carry out commercial passenger transport operations. This document certifies the airline’s ability to guarantee flights under the best safety conditions: medical checks on pilots, strict maintenance of aircraft, assessment of pilots’ knowledge, for example. An article on this notion of public transport can be found on the blog. The notion of private transport, on the other hand, reserves you the exclusive use of your aircraft with your family.
The advantages of management
- The return on investment, the respect of the customer’s interest and the profitability of the purchase of the private jet thanks to the optimisation of the income by the exclusive marketing of flight hours by our teams of air experts.
- The simplicity of chartering your aircraft as you do not have to worry about anything. Having recourse to the management of your aircraft is to free your mind, the air broker takes care of everything: administrative, regulatory and technical! We take complete control of the preparation and execution of your flights. AEROAFFAIRES acts as a conductor between the owner, the user and the airlines.
- Administrative and operational costs are minimised.
- Your aircraft documentation is kept up to date.
- Access to the tools and relationships of the airline broker.
- Maintenance of your aircraft in good technical conditions thanks to the professional interventions required in public transport, guaranteeing flight safety.
- Support throughout the project: during acquisition, management, chartering and we also provide advice and suggestions on possible improvements to your aircraft.
- Total transparency and clear reporting, so you can follow the activities of your aircraft at any time.
At AEROAFFAIRES, we use our expertise to offer you the management of your private jet or to propose private jet flights that suit you. For any business jet charter request, contact us on +33 1 44 09 91 82, by email: charter@aeroaffaires.com or fill in our online quote. We will reply as soon as possible.