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Sanitary repatriation between Algeria and France – AEROAFFAIRES

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Many countries are taking draconian containment measures to stem the advance of the coronavirus: Their borders are closing with strict controls on entry and nationalities are no longer allowed to enter certain countries. Airlines such as Air France and Royal Air Maroc have also decided to take measures against the spread of the Covid-19 virus and have interrupted many flights, notably to Algeria, Tunisia and the rest of the world. As a result, many people find themselves stranded at their place of residence and cannot find any solution to travel to France or return to their country of origin. We are seeing an increase in the demand for private flights for medical repatriations, medicalised flights (EVASAN) as well as repatriation of bodies (only with presentation of a certificate of non-contagion of the coffin).



Algerian-French repatriation services offered by AEROAFFAIRES

Sanitary repatriation or not, AEROAFFAIRES offers you tailor-made solutions.

  • Repatriation for travellers in good health

For a flight from France to Algeria, or vice versa, our team of aviation experts will arrange a private aircraft, even during a crisis such as the Coronavirus. Unlike traditional commercial flights, private charter flights are the easiest to set up with the local authorities. Your departure time and destinations can be changed at any time if necessary and even in the event of a delay: you will be able to join your family and friends.

For a medical need, we set up medicalised flights adapted to your physical condition. The advantages: speed and excellence of the care provided before arriving at the necessary treatment centre.

List of the different needs requiring a medical flight :

  • Medical repatriation (RAPASAN)
  • Medical evacuation (EVASAN)
  • Sanitary transport
  • Medical tourism
  • Paediatric or incubator transport
  • Body transport
  • Organ transport


What are the conditions for an Algerian-French repatriation?

Here are the steps to be taken according to your situation for a repatriation request:

  • French nationals residing in Algeria

Unless there are compelling reasons, it is recommended to avoid international travel as much as possible, especially in France. Return to Algeria is subject to an authorisation issued by the Algerian authorities. It must be requested from the consulate of the place of residence.

  • French nationals travelling to Algeria

Following the closure of the borders, the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs obtained authorisation for the maintenance of certain special air routes.

For leaving the territory, before boarding, you are asked for proof of a negative virological screening test produced less than 72 hours before the flight.

Do not hesitate to contact the French Embassy in Algeria for any further information.

In any case, upon arrival in France you will be asked to provide proof of a negative virological test:

  • A certificate of international travel with derogation
  • A sworn statement of absence of symptoms related to Covid-19

What are the formalities for a France-Algeria repatriation?

An exceptional exemption must be issued by the Algerian authorities. Otherwise, entry into Algerian territory is prohibited and the border is closed until further notice.

Where to apply for a derogation?

To the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of the Interior.

Documents to be provided for the AEROAFFAIRES France-Algeria flight:

  • Passport
  • On-site containment commitment
  • PCR test less than 72 hours before boarding
  • Letter of acceptance from the Algerian authorities for landing



Sanitary repatriation between France and Algeria and vice versa

What are the conditions for a medical evacuation?

Our doctors requisitioned for a medical flight assess the patient’s condition and decide whether the flight is feasible, necessary or compulsory.

Subtleties during medical repatriation (RAPASAN) or medical evacuation (EVASAN) are to be known:

  • Our doctors are responsible for the patient’s state of health. They are authorised to transport injured and sick people by plane and have very specific knowledge.
  • The professional of the hospital of stay is relieved of all responsibilities. For this reason, our doctor is the only one who makes the decisions during medical flights. In the event of complications, our doctor will then consult the family and the medical service of the hospital in order to make his decision.
  • The responsibility of our expert means that the attending physician of the hospital of stay cannot prevent an EVASAN or a RAPASAN.


What information is required for chartering an ambulance plane?

Doctors must know the complete history of the patient’s state of health and obtain his/her medical file. From the first exchange, and in order to respond quickly to your request for a medical flight, we need the following information:

  • The contact details of the doctor in charge of the patient.
  • The contact details of the doctor and the hospital where the patient is going.

Our doctors requisitioned for a medical flight first assess the patient’s condition and then decide whether the flight is necessary.

In some very specific cases, further information may be requested and forms completed.

What are the costs involved in a medical repatriation?

There are a number of costs involved in a medical repatriation:

  • hospitalisation costs
  • medical expenses related to care
  • transport costs for medical repatriation

Who covers the costs of a medical repatriation?

When you go abroad, we recommend that you take out travel insurance including repatriation or repatriation assistance insurance. Read the clauses of your insurance policies carefully, as for many, compensation is limited. Be careful, without insurance, you are responsible for the actual costs. Exceptionally, and free of charge, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs may cover the costs related to the repatriation of a national. This is in no way a liability on the part of the French State. You can contact the chancelleries of the French Embassy in Algeria or the Consulates General to make an appointment. In addition, the health insurance or your mutual insurance company can sometimes reimburse the costs of your repatriation. In any case, you should find out about this before you leave on your trip.



Case of Covid-19

What type of theft to repatriate a Covid case?

For a patient suffering from Covid, it is compulsory to charter a medical flight equipped with a Covid bubble. A medical plane or air ambulance plane allows the patient to travel quickly and safely over medium and long distances. The aircraft are specially prepared to offer an intensive medical device and specific on-board personnel. Medical devices can be added on board the aircraft if necessary.

How much does it cost to repatriate a Covid case?

For a medical repatriation between Algeria and France or vice versa with a medicalised flight and a Covid bubble, it is necessary to count between 20 000 € and 30 000 €.


Extreme case: repatriation of a body

In the case of a funeral accident, the body of a deceased person may have to be repatriated to his or her country of origin for burial, among other things. This is known as funeral repatriation. For bereaved families and relatives, AEROAFFAIRES regularly repatriates the body and provides this particular type of service.


How does AEROAFFAIRES help you to repatriate the body?

With a wealth of experience in international repatriation, we will accompany you through this difficult ordeal by taking care of the administrative and customs formalities that the transport of a body entails. Indeed, the legislation and standards of the countries of departure and arrival of the body are sometimes different and require a real competence that we possess. We consult the competent embassies and consulates on this subject.

How much does it cost to repatriate a body?

It is essential to check whether or not there is insurance to cover the cost of repatriation, as in the absence of such insurance, the cost is borne by the family.

Indication price repatriation of the body: 15 000 € – 25 000 €.


Do you need information about repatriation?

Our AEROAFFAIRES experts are available to book a private flight, medical repatriation or repatriation of bodies to Algeria or France by private flight. To book your private jet, contact us 7/7 24H/24 on +33 1 44 09 91 82.

Read also the article about repatriation from Morocco to France.