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Medical repatriation between Senegal and France: the guide

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You are concerned by a death, an accident or a serious illness during your stay? Air repatriation between Senegal and France is possible. Discover all the solutions available to you.

How to be repatriated from Senegal?

If you or a loved one suffers a serious accident or illness in Senegal and there are insufficient hospital facilities in the country, you can request medical repatriation by air. AEROAFFAIRES teams will help you organize your repatriation from Senegal to France. We do everything possible to ensure that your medical evacuation (or EVASAN) is fast and safe to the country of your choice.


In the case of a funeral repatriation, the plane is undoubtedly the preferred means of transport to repatriate the body of the deceased to France as quickly as possible. The airlines have specialized services to support you in this process.


The best thing to do first is to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to understand the exact procedure to follow for the repatriation.



Repatriation to Senegal with AEROAFFAIRES

If you are living or staying in France and a serious accident happens to you, you may wish to be repatriated urgently to your country of origin. Repatriation to Senegal can then be initiated upon request, by air transport.


If a death occurs in metropolitan France, it is possible that the deceased wanted his body to be repatriated to Senegal during his lifetime. In addition, his family may also request repatriation from France to Senegal.


At this tragic time, it is necessary to be accompanied to ensure that no unforeseen events occur during the transport. AEROAFFAIRES will guide you through this process from A to Z, to relieve you of the additional stress of your bereavement.


Our team of air experts will charter a personal aircraft for you at the best possible price. Unlike commercial flights, private flights are much faster to arrange, especially in case of emergency. With great flexibility, it is possible to change the flight itinerary and departure time at any time.



How to repatriate a body to Senegal

In case of loss of one or more relatives who died in a foreign country and you wish to repatriate them to their country of origin, you must take certain steps:

  • Notify the local authorities in order to establish the cause of death and the identity of the deceased.
  • A death certificate will be issued to you to allow you to request authorization for transport by air.
  • You must also notify the authorities in the country receiving the body of the deceased.
  • Make sure that the coffin meets the standards for air transport (hermetic closure required with certificate).
  • By phone or on the AEROAFFAIRES website, we can advise you on the organization of your repatriation from Senegal to France or France to Senegal.
  • We will draw up a quote based on your request and the information we have.



Services included in repatriation

AEROAFFAIRES supports you throughout the repatriation of a body from Senegal to France. Here is a list of all the services included in our support:

  • handling of administrative and customs formalities
  • repatriation to Senegal or from Senegal by private plane
  • funeral care
  • requirements related to the coffin
  • transfer of the body on arrival to the place of burial


What are the administrative formalities ?
The repatriation of a body from Senegal to France or from France to Senegal involves some administrative formalities that should not be neglected.


Here is the list of documents to be provided to obtain the authorization of body transfer for the French and Senegalese administrations:

  • your request for authorization to transfer the body to the country of burial
  • the formalities of the city hall (authorization to close the coffin and death certificate)
  • the doctor’s formalities (death certificate, attestation and certificate of non-contagion)
  • identity documents of the deceased


Once the authorization is obtained, you will have to provide the authorities with :

  • the authorization for the transfer of the body
  • a copy of the death certificate
  • all documents provided by the doctor
  • an identification document of the deceased
  • the family record book of the deceased


Do not hesitate to consult the websites of foreign consulates and embassies in France and the website of the French consulate in Dakar for more information on the organization of funerals and repatriation of the body.


What is the cost of repatriation of the body from Senegal ?
The price of a funeral repatriation from Senegal to France varies according to several criteria

  • the type of coffin chosen
  • the care given to the deceased before the burial
  • the exact place of death and the country concerned
  • the contact with the funeral home
  • the destination of the transport
  • the cost of the transport
  • the cost of repatriation of the deceased’s relatives


If the deceased had taken out repatriation insurance during his or her lifetime, the cost of transportation may be covered.


Which insurance for a repatriation from Senegal ?
An insurance for the repatriation of the body from Senegal to France or an insurance for repatriation assistance can be interesting in case of a serious accident of life occurred during your stay. The beneficiary of the insurance can, in this case, take care of the transfer of the body to the desired place. Otherwise, the costs of a funeral repatriation are the responsibility of the family, who will have to pay for it themselves.


There are two types of repatriation insurance for a body between Senegal and France:

  • A contract that covers a set of specified services ranging from administrative assistance to air transportation. Some insurances also offer psychological support to the relatives.
  • A contract that allows you to pay a sum of money in advance, which will be released if necessary, in order to cover the costs related to the organization of the repatriation to Senegal.

It should be noted that all foreigners residing in Senegal must pay a repatriation deposit from Senegal to their country of origin. We advise you to subscribe to a repatriation insurance to protect you from any eventuality.


Do you want a quote for the repatriation of a body Senegal-France ?
We are at your disposal 7 days a week and 24 hours a day at +33 1 44 09 91 82. You can also request a quote online.


Would you like to know more about the repatriation of a body from abroad? Here are all our guides available by country: