AEROAFFAIRES provides you with the best practices to help you book your business jet. When you contact us to book a private jet, we need to know a few things so that we can find you the best business jet at the best price. Whether it’s your first private jet booking, your business travels, if you’re planning your future holidays, and more, these tips are dedicated to you.
Where and when do you want to book a private jet?
The choice of date is obviously the basis for booking a flight. However, when it comes to scheduling, in business aviation, you are not subject to the constraints of commercial aviation in this respect. You can therefore choose the schedule that suits you!
Also, it is important to tell us if it is a one-way flight, a round trip, or if you want to go to another destination afterwards. We will create a tailor-made itinerary for you. All this, of course, by telling us where you want to travel.
The advantages of planning your private jet flights in advance
Of course, at AEROAFFAIRES, we can arrange for you to take off in a private jet as a matter of urgency, 2 hours after confirming your booking.
However, if you have fixed ideas about your travel plans, this is an advantage on several points. For example, if you already have your destination for your summer holidays (Mykonos, Mallorca, Ibiza, Ajaccio, etc…) we advise you to book a private jet now! You will then have access to much lower rates than last minute and you will have more choice on the aircraft models we propose. Moreover, planning your holidays or business jet trips in advance will avoid the stress factor! Finally, as far as flights abroad are concerned, as the health situation has stabilised a little more than in previous years, flights are much less subject to cancellation as conditions are less changeable. What used to be an obstacle to planning your holidays in advance is no longer an obstacle! All the more reason to plan ahead!
What luggage and accessories do you travel with?
When you travel with commercial aircraft, baggage is often highly regulated and limited. However, in business aviation, it is only the capacity of the private jet that will allow you to take more or less luggage. For example, in a Citation Mustang private jet, you can travel with 4 people with 2 carry-on bags and 2 checked bags. With a Citation CJ3 private jet, you can travel with 6 people with 3 pieces of hold luggage and 2 pieces of hand luggage.
Also, the type of luggage you wish to carry is very important. Indeed, travelling with a bicycle or pairs of skis will be perfectly possible in a Pilatus PC-12, but not in all other private jets. Therefore, it is important to provide the number, size, type and weight of luggage and accessories for your journey. The choice of private jet is based on this.
Also, as a reminder, if you only want to transport goods, you can charter a cargo plane adapted to the cargo to be transported.
Who are the passengers?
Each private jet model has a maximum number of seats on board that must be respected. Some also have load limits (e.g. total weight of passengers with baggage). In some configurations on smaller aircraft, if you reach the maximum capacity, it may be more comfortable to take a larger business jet. However, this depends on the distribution of passengers, which is why this criterion is so important.
Let’s take an example: 6 passengers want to travel in a private jet between Paris and Cannes. Many business jets can carry 6 passengers. However, if there is a weight limit on some aircraft, this can make things more difficult. 6 large, heavy adult passengers with luggage will probably travel on a different model of private jet than 3 adults and 3 children with little luggage.
Why is this information important to tell us? Because we will then propose you directly models of private jets adapted according to the distribution and typology of the passengers.

Do you travel with a pet?
Travelling with your pet is possible. It is not uncommon to see four-legged friends accompanying some of our clients. However, it is also necessary to give us this information when you wish to book a private jet. We will choose business aircraft and airlines that accept pets. In addition, it is ideal to have the breed, size and weight of your pet. Indeed, Max, your imposing German Shepherd takes up a little more space than Minnie, your little 3 kilo cat.
Do you have any special wishes?
Do you have a favorite private jet? Would you like a specific catering service for your journey? Would you like a helicopter transfer? Do you need a taxi ride on arrival? A special occasion to celebrate on board? A business meeting in the air? A trip with your family? Etc…
These are just some of the questions and criteria that you can submit to us so that we can propose and prepare a private jet to suit your needs. At AEROAFFAIRES, we strive to ensure that your flight on demand meets your wishes and desires. It is essential that we accompany you and respond to your requests before, during and after the flight.
With all the keys in hand to book a private jet, for any request for a private jet flight contact us on +33 1 44 09 91 82, or complete our online quote. Our team will answer you 24/7.